A place to write

One of my main reasons for starting this blog is that I love to write.  I always have. From a young child writing stories at school and day dreaming of becoming an author to an adult training to become an interior decorator, the passion to write was always there.

How to find the ideal place to write

Finding a place to write – getting the setting right

Throughout my career as a colour specialist and decorator I have written articles for Australian lifestyle magazines and at the last count have had around 200 articles published about colour.  I have published e-books, which I can assure you do not make you rich, however the satisfaction from creating a book is amazing.

So if you are like me and love to write, you will understand how important it is to get the setting right!

How to find a place to write
Image – Vanessa Arbuthnot

Even if you are not a writer, a nice corner to pay the bills and work through the paperwork involved to keep a household running – particularly if you have school age children – is just as important.  A space to plan your day, life, renovation, wedding or other milestone event can need as much inspiration as a magazine article, and of course in some instances a lot more, so don’t underestimate what an important zone in your house this area can be.

How to find a place to write
Image – James Dunlop 

Related: My 10 favourite media nooks

Whether you have a trusty laptop that goes everywhere with you and a favourite coffee shop with a table by the window that has your name on it or a sunny corner of your house with a view to the garden, where you sit to write can make all the difference between a productive or non-productive event.

Writing is all about finding your inspiration, something that you are passionate about and then finding your voice.  Thinking about what you want to say and then letting your fingers fly off the keyboard.  Some people love background chatter and noise and find their mojo at their favourite café whilst others crave peace and quiet to really create.

How to find a place to write
Photographer – Jonathan Velasquez

Need a place to write?  Find that corner that is yours!

Often, finding a good place to write is about finding a corner that is yours.  The perfect place is a room or a nook that contains your favourite pieces, colour and inspiration and is somewhere that you can relax.   Keep your favourite books to hand, inspirational artworks or favourite fabrics that give you inspiration.

I like to have somewhere that is organised and tidy.  Some people thrive on clutter – they know where everything is even if it looks like they don’t, whilst others can only create when there is calm and order.

How to find a place to write
Photographer – Florian Klaver

It’s all about the colour when finding a place to write

Colour plays a huge role in getting the setting right for a place to write.  Avoid sterile white walls as this can be tiring on the eye.  If you want something light then opt for a soft grey pastel hue or use white but add artworks, shelving with books and interesting pieces.

As it is beneficial to watch TV against a dark background, this is also the case for your computer screen.  Set against a grey background, as my own screen is, the background disappears and your focus is on what you are typing and this is far less wearing on the eye.

How to find a place to write
Image – Murobond Paints

An Inspiring View

Many writers enjoy the inspiration that a garden can bring so placing your desk in front of a window is a good idea and means that you have the benefit of the view and the sunlight but without the glare on your screen.

Do consider where you live though.  In Australia, where I am, I would need to ensure that I had good external shade however in chillier climates this may be just the place to bring warmth and inspiration.

How to find a place to write
Image – Architizer

Did you know that I have a free resource library?  This is where you can download e-books and checklists to help you with your next renovation, building, or decorating project.  I add to this every month so there is always something new to inspire you.  It is free to sign up here.

Follow me on Pinterest for heaps more inspiration to find that perfect place to write.

How to find a place to write

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