One of my favourite pastimes is to potter and whether that is around the house, in the local antique and craft stores or around my garden, it is a fabulous way to waste some time. In a world that is full of fast moving technology, deadlines and general day to day stresses, it is just lovely to simply waste time. With a daily action list detailing all the items that need to be achieved by the end of the day, whiling time away on nothing in particular is decadent and above all, relaxing. One of the things I would really love is a Gardener's Studio – the ultimate bolt hole at home!
Building and maintaining a garden….
Of course, pottering is not wasting time at all, it is achieving lots but without realising it. As the pace of technology quickens, the rise continues of traditional pastimes. Knitting and patch working have made a comeback. The internet is alive with blogs about home cooking and the traditional pastimes of pickling fruit and vegetables and making healthy cakes and treats for our families is burgeoning. But the pastime that I have really noticed a surge in is the relaxing art of building and maintaining a garden.
From the balcony to the community….
Gardens can give us so much joy and are so practical. A wide ranging herb garden, even if this is simply a collection of pots on a balcony, is both pretty and productive. Vegetable gardens are making a comeback, from a small raised garden bed through to a series of elaborate, hedged beds that can be rotated throughout the seasons. Community gardens are springing up where local neighbourhoods can group together to grow fruit and vegetables and pottering here also has the added benefit of making long lasting friendships.
Related: My 10 favourite balcony gardens
And a great source for interior styling….
Gardens are also a great source for cut flowers for inside and magnificent stems of greenery that make stunning centrepieces for a room, all completely free. All of this of course, is a great opportunity to potter. To spend some relaxing time with your own thoughts, weeding, pruning and tidying. Just pottering around to inspect new growth and watch out for bugs, to spray and to water at the end of a long day.
Your very own Gardener's Studio
Everyone who enjoys pottering in the garden of course would love their own gardener's studio. Somewhere to plant and nurture seedlings, to take and grow cuttings and to generally spend time making life more beautiful. Little studios and potting sheds are becoming very popular and often come with a comfy battered chair from which to drink tea and read plant catalogues. Painting and fitting out a potting shed is an excellent way to use your creativity and let your imagination run wild. You don’t need to worry about whether anything matches or if a colour is on trend – this is your area and you can paint, wallpaper and accessorise it as you choose.
Related: Seating options – finding the perfect place to sit
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